As soon as I received the invitation to use the OpenAI GPT-4 API, I was existing to explore its potential power when integrated with other tools. My curiosity led me to experiment with Discord since I already had some experience of the platform. It has existing libraries and frameworks for bot creation. Using these libraries and frameworks would save me a lot of time compared to developing a front-end from scratch, which is why I thought Discord was the perfect platform to test the capabilities of the GPT-4 API.
Key learnings and experiences
Through this project, I gained valuable experience in working with the Discord.js framework. I learned how to effectively set up a bot, including handling various events, as well as creating slash commands. I also gained a deeper understanding of the authorization mechanisms for Discord servers, users, and channels.

One of the key takeaways from this project was I have trying to design code architecture in a way that is both scalable and stateless, which will enable the project to be easily scaled and extended in the future.
Additionally, I found that the stateless architecture was not only beneficial for scaling and extending the project, but also for team collaboration, as it allowed different developers to work on different parts of the project without conflicting with each other's code.
Coding a GPT
I discovered how implementing TypeScript could greatly benefit larger-scale projects by providing better code organization, improving code reliability and making it easier to spot potential bugs early on. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why TypeScript has become increasingly popular among developers today.
It is great learning journey through this GPT Bot project. It presented a great opportunity for me to develop my skills as a developer and expand my understanding of the Discord, OpenAI GPT API, and TypeScript.
As part of my GPT Bot project, I have had the Midjourney Bot and my GPT Bot into a single server for enhanced prompt creation capabilities. This move has allowed me to experiment with different prompts using GPT and generating images with Midjourney. Working with these two bots in the same screen has been extremely existing.
I look forward to continuing to push the limits of what's possible with my GPT Bot in the future.